2024 HIPAA Bundle Deluxe- Save $80

$ 299.95 $ 379.95

If your practice submits insurance claims electronically, or uses services like a clearinghouse or billing agency, you fall under the category of 'covered entity', obligating you to adhere to HIPAA regulations.

Ideal for medical and dental practices seeking hassle-free compliance without the hefty expense of crafting their own policies or hiring legal assistance, our HIPAA Privacy and Security package is the solution. It comprehensively covers both HIPAA Rules, incorporating policy manuals, staff training resources, necessary forms, informative posters, regular updates, and accessible toll-free support. This bundle is designed to streamline your HIPAA compliance process in 2024, both efficiently and economically.

Don't leave your practice vulnerable to data breaches, information loss, or situations that might prompt a HIPAA audit, potentially incurring significant fines. Achieve compliance easily and affordably and safeguard your practice against such risks.