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GHS container labeling and OSHA in Dentistry and Healthcare - Hazard Communications


Now that that we've had some time to digest the Hazard Communication Standard's alignment with GHS we've realized just how much has changed especially when it comes to secondary container labeling. The new standard requires quite a bit of additional information and it can be tough to fit it on a standard label. Although write on labels are a quick and easy way to comply with the standard, it can be time consuming when you have multiple containers or locations. We've slowly built a collection of GHS labels that we created for our use in the field. These are products that usually need to be identified because they have been transferred from their original container or packaging. 

By now you should have replaced your existing MSDS books - June 2016, Finalization of GHS in the workplace. But if you haven't it's important to replace your outdated sheets with the newer SDS version. These safety data sheets contain all the same information as before, but it's a standardized 16 field format and hazards are now conveyed per GHS - pictograms, signal words, hazard statements etc.. Talk to your vendors and reps and request SDSs for chemicals and products employees could have exposure to. MSDSs for products no longer in use should be retired, but retained for 30 years. Storage is okay, but OSHA looks at old MSDSs as part of employee medical records. Your SDS book should be located in an accessible area during working hours like a nurse's station, sterilization area or lab. 

In addition to the labeling and SDS requirements, your OHSA manual and employee training should reflect these same changes to the HCS. Training has actually been required since December 2013 for the GHS elements, so don't wait if you haven't started for some reason. June 2016 might have been the deadline but we talk to people daily that are just finding out about these new requirements.

Our 2019 OSHA Deluxe OSHA System includes everything you need to get into compliance with all the latest changes. 2019 OSHA Manual for Medical Offices or Dental Offices. Policies includes Hazard Communications/GHSBloodborne Exposure Control - Hepatitis B vaccinations, Post exposure prophylaxis, Exposure determinations, PPE schedules and more, General ComplianceTuberculosis Infection Control, and Biomedical Waste Management2019 OSHA Training perfect for new or annual training requirements. Posters, updates, toll-free phone support for OSHA and HIPAA questions and support in the event of a OSHA inspection. 

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